Taking control of your health plan

Starts With You

Helping employers reduce health plan costs… one community at a time.


The Need

Employers are frustrated by rising group health insurance premiums, confusing, stressful renewal processes, and not being in control. Solutions won’t come from publicly-traded insurance companies. The problem is growing every year, and margins are being squeezed.


The Solution

Because healthcare is local, we create programs built around your community, not national boxed programs that may or may not fit your unique needs. Gain more control with lower costs, reduced uncertainty, and increased transparency.


Your Call to Action

We can work together—in collaboration with your current insurance broker—to transition you into our high-performance, local health plan. Your community, staff, organization, and insurance broker all win.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
— Albert Einstein

Our Mission:


To build community-owned health plans that provide better care for less.

How a community-owned health plan helped Ray’s Garage


Ray has 30 employees and around 20 on his group medical plan. For years, he struggled with rising premiums. He has increased deductibles, charged his staff more, deferred or reduced raises, and done everything possible to keep his staff insured. He heard countless poor explanations for the average 12% increase he has seen each year, and he knew he couldn’t charge his customers more every year to keep up. Ray was frustrated.

His broker was introduced to a new program concept: a locally built health insurance program. It made complete sense to Ray. He would learn where his money is going, how to control his health plan spend, and it would support his local community instead of a national insurance carrier. This plan was also less costly for his organization with more robust benefits.

Ray decided it was worth pursuing because he had nothing to lose.

In the end, Ray gained control. His staff were paying less—with richer benefits—and he was happy knowing he was finally in the driver’s seat of his healthcare plan. Had Ray never explored this option, he’d still be stuck with his yearly increases and no way out. Ray and his staff win with a Community-Owned Health Plan!

Want a success story like Ray’s? Call us today!

(501) 303-6456


Are you a broker?

We have a section of our website dedicated just for our brokers.